Thursday, Mar 20th

Summer Game at Scarsdale Library Encourages Young Readers

curiousgeorgeThe Scarsdale Public Library's Summer Reading Game attracted 294 participants who read an average of 23½ books each. The program encourages children from infants through 5th grade to read or be read to during the summer months.

The most popular series was the perennial favorite, "Curious George." Other popular titles were "Thea Stilton" by Geronimo Stilton, "Babymouse," a graphic novel, and the "Garfield" series.

The largest group of readers was second graders and there were numerous pre-school children who came to the library to be read to.

Fewer children participated than in 2014, but each child read on average significantly more books, a sign of the commitment by those who signed up. The average number of books read was the most in recent years.
The Summer Reading Game encourages children to read or be read to during the summer months. Research has shown that reading during the vacation helps children maintain their reading levels when they return to school in September. Non-readers fall back somewhat from levels they achieved at the end of the school year.

Awards are given based on the number of books read or listened to. As an incentive to come to the library, children received a raffle ticket each time they visit. Four raffle tickets will were pulled each week with winners receiving a book.

"When the children come to the library, we like to have them discuss the books they have read with a librarian or have someone read a book to them," says Karen Zielinski, head of Youth Services. "The program has also become family event with older children reading to their younger siblings."