Friday, Jul 26th

PlasticKnifeIn a significant step towards environmental sustainability, Westchester County is reminding residents and business owners of its "Upon Request" single-use foodware law, which will take effect on September 2. This legislation aims to reduce the consumption of single-use plastics by promoting a more mindful approach to their usage within food service establishments by limiting the use of single-use foodware products to only when specifically requested by the customer.

Westchester County Executive George Latimer was joined by the Westchester County Legislators Vice-Chair Nancy Barr, Legislator Erika Pierce, DoH and DEF as they outline the key tenets of this new law. The Board of Legislators took up this effort and passed legislation spearheaded by Barr and Pierce and signed by Latimer. Latimer said: “Westchester County is once again taking steps to lessen the waste we put back into the waste stream. From large scale measures to simple changes in our daily behavior, every little bit counts toward our
goal of leaving a cleaner planet for future generations.”

The key tenets of the law include:

• Effective September 2, no food service establishment within Westchester County may provide single- use foodware or condiment packets to dine-in or take-away customers unless expressly requested. This pertains to items such as forks, knives, spoons, chopsticks, cup sleeves, beverage lids and condiment
• Upon customer request, single-use foodware items or condiment packets must be provided individually, rather than in packages containing multiple items. This initiative is aimed at curbing unnecessary plastic waste and promoting a more sustainable approach to dining.
• The law applies across various ordering methods, including in-person, online and through food delivery apps. Customers are encouraged to ask for single-use items only when needed, fostering responsible consumption.
• Single-use plastic beverage stirrers and "splash sticks" will no longer be permitted within food service establishments. Retail stores may still offer these items for sale to their customers.
• The legislation upholds existing protocols for utensil storage within food service establishments, maintaining standards of cleanliness and sanitation. Utensils available in self-service containers for consumers must be individually wrapped or placed face-down, with single-item dispensers recommended.
• All DoH requirements for health and safety remain in full effect, ensuring that the well-being of patrons is not compromised.
• DEF and DoH Inspectors will collaboratively work to ensure the proper implementation and adherence to the new regulations, promoting a seamless transition for both establishments and customers.
• Food service establishments are required to prominently display a clearly legible sign informing customers that plastic utensils, condiments, and straws are available only upon request. This sign, provided by the County, will serve to increase awareness and encourage responsible plastic use.

DoH Commissioner Dr. Sherlita Amler said: “The Westchester County Department of Health is proud to support this new law. Protecting the environment and reducing waste is the cornerstone of Environmental Health. We know that this is an important step in helping to maintain a healthy environment for our residents”DEF Deputy Commissioner Lou Vetrone said: “Billions of single-use plastic items end up in our waste stream every year. Due to the small size and narrow shape of these materials, they are not easily recyclable.

Fortunately, County Executive Latimer and the Board of Legislators have taken decisive action to significantly reduce the amount of single-use plastic items in our waste with the enactment of this legislation. The Department of Environmental Facilities looks forward to working with the Department of Health to educate residents and food service establishments on the new requirements and to ensure compliance.”

This change not only lessens the waste we all put into the waste stream, but also will provide significant cost savings to small business owners. Barr said: “This legislation is a win-win, as it will help protect our environment by decreasing items in the waste stream, while at the same time lowering costs for businesses, who will no longer provide items which go straight into the garbage. Equally important is the fact that consumers will get accustomed to making a conscious choice about what they actually need.

I hope Westchester residents and businesses will join with us to help spread the word, and that we will all do our part to comply to reduce waste.”

Commenting on the news, the Scarsdale Conservation Advisory Council said, "The CAC is happy to be part of and help this single-use plastic waste reduction effort. And residents can help too! When ordering or picking up food please only take plastic utensils if you need them – and check inside your bag before you leave to make sure nothing was put in there! If they were perhaps kindly remind the establishment of the new law. When ordering food online please opt out of receiving extra plasticware, and if there isn't an optout option on the ordering site, put it in the notes section. Together we can make this initiative a great success and Scarsdale can again be a model for the county-at-large of how we all can make small changes in our everyday lives to positively impact our environment."



SpragueRoadHow can the Village slow down traffic on streets that are commonly used as shortcuts to avoid lights and stop signs on main routes?

That was the subject of a meeting at Village Hall on Tuesday August 1 when Jeff Coleman, Superintendent of the Department of Public Works, presented recommendations from consultants FHI on how to slow down cars and trucks on Sprague Road. The consultants were retained in 2022 in response to resident complaints about speeding cars and near misses on their narrow residential street. They reported that due to the placement of stop signs on parallel streets (Boulevard and Locust) that also traverse the neighborhood, traffic has migrated to Sprague Road where there are no stop signs or lights.

The consultants studied the traffic flow and recommended the use of an array of traffic calming methods including chokers, traffic diversions, chicanes, half closures and traffic circles. See below for a diagram of these countermeasures.


Though residents had asked for stop signs, Jeff Coleman who is a traffic engineer, explained that the situation on Sprague Road does not meet the required warrants listed in the federal and New York State Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices for the installation of stop signs and therefore, they cannot be installed. He explained, “Stop signs are warranted when there are five or more accidents in a one-year period in that location that could have been prevented by stop signs. He said the Village reviewed the accident reports for the previous years and did not find that this was the case.

Furthermore, the FHI report says, “Although some residents expressed support for stop signs, others noted that vehicles frequently roll through the stop signs. Additional conversations with the Village raised concerns about the usefulness of stop signs and the potential to increase crashes. Stop signs are typically not recommended as a traffic calming because studies have shown they have limited effectiveness in slowing vehicle speeds. Drivers frequently do not stop, particularly in locations where the stop is not perceived as needed. This can result in an increase in crashes. In rare circumstances such as locations with visibility constraints, stop signs have been implemented in locations that otherwise do not meet traffic volume requirements. This alternative was eliminated because the location does not appear to have the visibility concerns or overall traffic environment that would warrant an exception.”

From the consultant’s recommendations the Department of Public Works selected to two alternative schemes for consideration at the meeting:

Alternative 2

This alternative proposes the following changes:
1. Installation of neighborhood traffic circles at Gaylor Road, Nelson Road, Bradley Road, and White Road.
2. Installation of a choker east of Bell Road and east of Madison Road.
3. Curb radii reductions at Bell Road, Webster Road, Lyons Road, Madison Road, and Johnson Road.


Alternative 3

This alternative proposes the following changes:
1. Installation of neighborhood traffic circles at Gaylor Road and White Road.
2. Installation of curb radii reductions at Bell Road, Webster Road, Lyons Road, Bradley Road, and Johnson
3. Installation of half closures at Nelson Road and Madison Road thereby prohibiting through travel along Sprague Road at both locations.


Asked for more background on the issue, Village Manager Rob Cole explained, “We have received a number of complaints over the years. There were analyses that showed there were more accidents there than in other parts of the community. That’s why we brought in FHI to propose some tools that could be used. We want to transform it from a speedway to a regular street. It will enhance life and property values if we can stop the speedway.”

There were quite a number of residents at the meeting and on ZOOM. When they provided their feedback it appeared that there was as many opinions about what should be done as people in the room.

One resident, Alan Stewart asked if a traffic study had been done. Others asked for speed bumps and more enforcement of the 25 MPH speed limit by the police. Others were afraid that if there was a two blockdiversion, traffic would become heavy on the surrounding streets. Another asked if we had consulted with neighboring municipalities to get their perspectives.

Ann Marie Nee said she was speaking for herself, her parents and her brother who all live in the area. She said, “Sprague used to be low traffic but is now high traffic because there are stop signs and crossing guards on Boulevard. Stop signs were put there and traffic was diverted. I live near Sprague and Gaylor. We hear the accidents and I call 911. What is wrong with a stop sign on that corner? There are visibility issues on the street prevent people from seeing. When cars inch out to see before pulling out, they risk being hit.”

spragueroadmapStop signs on Boulevard and Locust have caused traffic to move to Sprague Road.

About the consultant’s proposals she said, “Placing a hazard in the intersection without a stop sign is expensive and there is nothing comparable anywhere. Will a bus be able to negotiate around this traffic island? What about kids standing out there waiting for the bus. It scares me. There is a telephone pole, a storm drain – you raise the risk that you’ll hit it. Why put a traffic circle on the top of a hill? It makes no sense. Chokers will cause accidents. We already have parked cars – and they are chokers and they get sideswiped. If we close the street, traffic will be diverted to Nelson which is already busy. I am against alternatives 2 and 3 – and we would like to see about stop signs. I would also like to see those solar panel speed signs. And I would like to see $500,000 used to repave Bell Road where you can’t ride a bike. Why can there be stop signs on Boulevard and Locust and not on Sprague?”

Cole responded, saying, “Even with the stop signs, Eastchester’s crash rates are much higher than Scarsdale’s. The more you put in, the more likely it is that people will ignore them and have an accident. The standards for stop signs are not met for Sprague Road.”

Linda Killian said, “I used to cross Sprague at Madison every day and I have almost been hit many times. Now I don’t go that way anymore. I would suggest you find solutions that work – like stop signs and enforcement. Find something that will work and keep people safe.”

Farley Baker said “I live at the corner of Johnson and Grand Boulevard. Now we have three sets of stop signs. They made a tremendous difference in slowing down traffic on Johnson. I can’t believe that there is no leeway in the criteria for stop signs. I don’t support the proposals.”

Ruth Berkowitz of 167 Madison Road said, “People speed like crazy on Madison Road and don’t expect the traffic. Why are we not speaking about the speed humps? That might make it more palatable.”

At one point, Mayor Justin Arest answered the residents by saying, “We are not forcing this on you for no reason. If you’re happy with the way things are we can leave it.”

And that’s what just might happen if the neighbors don’t come to some agreement about what they would like to be done. With stop signs off the list of options, and a limited appetite for chokers, half closures and traffic circles, they might just be left asking the police for better speed limit enforcement.

HarborIslandIt’s only mid-July but Westchester County residents have already been the victim of several environmental hazards that limit enjoyment of the outdoors, the Hudson River and the Long Island Sound.

In late June, smoke from Canadian wildfires sent a cloud of dust into the air. The orange skyline and dangerous air quality levels made it too dangerous to be outside for any length of time forcing many to cancel recreational activities.

Air quality has now improved, but last week a broken pipe at a sewage treatment plant in Tarrytown sent untreated sewage into the Hudson River. The county warned swimmers and boaters to avoid use of the river until testing showed that the water was safe.

This past week, heavy rains forced the closure of beaches along the Long Island Sound? Why? Because when too much water deluges the stormwater retention system, harmful bacteria is released into the Sound.

According to the county website, “Heavy rains and discharges from stormwater drains directly affect these waters. As a result, these waters may contain high levels of harmful bacteria that may cause illness after a heavy rain.” Simply put, when the stormwater system overflows, untreated sewage ends up in the Sound.

After the rainstorms on Sunday July 16, beaches in Mamaroneck and New Rochelle were closed on Monday and Tuesday. The county website says that as of Wednesday July 19, Harbor Island beach in Mamaroneck remains closed. Check for updates from the county here.

sprague1Join Village officials to discuss proposed traffic calming strategies for Sprague Road on August 01 at 5:30 PM in Rutherford Hall at Village Hall.

Because of an elevated instance of crashes in comparison with other Scarsdale residential streets of the same character, Sprague was the subject of a consultant study to develop innovative alternatives for enhancing safety and neighborhood quality of life. Their report was completed in October 2022 and the upcoming work session is a precursor to initiating engineering and construction for a preferred alternative.

The images shown here depict some of the infrastructure elements still under consideration. Village officials encourage residents along Sprague Road and the roads intersecting with it, as well as other Sprague Road users, to attend the August 01 work session either in person orby Zoom to help make the project a success.sprague2sprague3

scoreboardExciting news for athletes of all ages in Scarsdale. At the June 27 meeting of the Village Board, the Village accepted gifts from Maroon and White and Travel Softball of $31,933 for a new electronic scoreboard and safety netting at Supply Field.

A memo from the Recreation Department says, “The proposed gift of a scoreboard and safety netting at Supply Field #2 will enhance the softball experience for not only players, but also spectators. The installation of safety netting along the driveway will provide a safer experience for spectators, as well as reduce potential damage from foul balls to vehicles parked in the adjacent parking lot. Finally, the safety netting will provide an opportunity for the parking lot be fully utilized during games without spectator fear of their vehicles being damaged.”

Amy Frank, President of Maroon and White who donated $23,393 for the scoreboard said, “We are excited to present a gift to the Village of a scoreboard to help to give Supply Field a facelift. The girls’ Varsity Softball team and travel softball will use it.

Michelle Sterling, who was instrumental in securing the funding thanked the Board and Maroon and White for “this amazing gift.” She said, “For 18 years we have not seen any improvements in Supply Field. This is awesome and an amazing start. A lot of money has gone into improvements at Dean Field, where the Boys’ Varsity Baseball Team plays, but there has been nothing at Supply Field. We appreciate this moment where we can think about what we can do to help girls’ sports. We appreciate the village looking at the fields and prioritizing Supply Field – and we appreciate the support of Travel Softball.”

Mayor Arest assured her that improvements at Supply Field would be prioritized and it would be ready for the April season.

Ella Hayes and Sammy Fenigstein co-captains of the softball team also thanked Board, saying, “It means a lot to us.” They asked the Board to, “get our infields and outfields ready for this season. They are hard and rocky.”

Joe Guarino, a passionate softball dad and an active member of Scarsdale’s travel softball programs, said “It's with Scarsdale Travel Softball that I've learned about some of the complex dynamics that exist between the village and the district in managing field usage. And some of the inequity that exists between softball and baseball in Scarsdale.” Field. Guarino called for the trustees and village leadership to bring long term change to Supply Field and create a more equitable experience for female softball athletes in Scarsdale.

Also on the agenda were public safety, a public hearing on proposed amendments to the Scarsdale Village Noise Ordinance and more.


The Village of Scarsdale’s Annual Fireworks Spectacular will be hosted on Thursday, June 29 at the Scarsdale Pool at 9:15 PM. In addition to the fireworks, the Westchester Band will perform on the lawn at 7:30 PM. A $5.00 fee will be charged to all non-pool members entering the pool starting at 5:00 PM and beginning at 8:00 PM, all individuals entering the Pool Complex will be charged.

The Scarsdale Farmer’s Market is open every Sunday in the Scarsdale Village from 9:00 AM to 1:00 PM. Members of the community are encouraged to visit the market to help support local farms and expand the selection of products offered.

Public Safety

SVAC: Following Mayor Arest’s opening comments, David Raizen, the President of the Scarsdale Volunteer Ambulance Corps (SVAC), was invited to speak. During the COVID-19 pandemic, SVAC filed with the New York State Department of Health for community paramedicine authorization, becoming one of only three such programs in Westchester County. Community paramedicine is an emerging model of healthcare that allowed paramedics and emergency medical technicians to offer preventative services that improve access to care and reduce hospital readmittance. Raizen was proud to announce the approval of legislation that would allow community paramedicine to continue in Scarsdale. He emphasized Congressmember Amy Paulin’s critical role in the legislation’s approval, stating that she “…spearheaded, pushed, and represented us incredibly well.”

Cooperation with the School Board- Deputy Mayor Whitestone discussed cooperation between the Village Board and the School Board including “a better two-way information flow and institutionalized cooperation in place.” Through regular, continued meetings with the school district, Scarsdale’s public safety officials have provided the Village Board with a more robust understanding of the school district’s budgeting and other support needs.

Emergency Notifications -Mayor Arest announced that the Village has conducted extensive research into the town’s current communication tools. The exercise led to the execution of an agreement by the Village Manager and Everbridge, a communications organization. Everbridge’s Nixle application will be used by the Village to relay public safety information and other important announcements. Arest stated “It is imperative that residents sign up for the Everbridge system….” Every Scarsdale resident will receive a postcard that notifies residents of the new system and provides the link to register.

Lithium-Ion Batteries

In light of recent reports in the regional and national media of fires attributed to defective lithium-ion batteries, Village Manager Robert Cole relayed a few reminders from Scarsdale’s chief medic.

1. Purchase and use devices that are listed by a qualified testing laboratory.
2. Always follow the manufacturer's instructions.
3. Only use the battery that is designed for that specific device.
4. Pit batteries in the device right away upon purchase.
5. Only use the charge cord that came with device, not a second market charge cord.
6. Only charge a battery in a flat, dry area away from children, direct sunlight, liquids, and tripping hazards.
7. Do not continue to charge a battery after it is fully charged.
8. Keep batteries at room temperature when possible.
9. Store batteries away from anything that can catch fire.
Residents interested in recycling their lithium-ion batteries can do so by appointment at the Household Material Recovery Facility in Valhalla.

QR Codes for Village Bills

Village Treasurer Ann Scaglione is implementing QR codes for resident’s water and tax bills to enhance participation in online bill payment. Click here ( to learn how to scan a QR code.

Public Hearing on Amendments to Noise Code

The Scarsdale Village Board of Trustees has been working to update the Noise Code and hosted a public hearing on the proposed changes. Scarsdale’s golf courses, particularly the Fenway Golf Club, came under fire. Resident Carol Silverman lives in vicinity of the Fenway Golf Club and stated that every weekend the club hosts parties that can be heard well past 10:00 PM, when they’re supposed to be shut down. Silverman asserted that the proposed code must address the club’s disturbance to the community. Resident Jordan Black shared similar concerns, pointing out that golf courses are exempt from all “normal hours” of restriction. Black described the course’s lawncare equipment as “jet engines” going off at 5:15 AM and that the issue has become so bad that he knows of residents considering moving away.

Resident Bob Harrison has been a 42-year resident of Scarsdale and has enjoyed the peace and tranquility of the town throughout his residence. Harrison pointed out that home sports courts are not explicitly regulated by the proposed noise code. According to Harrison, there’s no reason for a resident to have a loud, disturbing lacrosse sports court in the backyard.

Mayor Arest assured the speakers that the proposed noise code strives to incorporate both qualitative and quantitative standards. Arest stated that the Village Board is working to address the concerns raised during the hearing and that they will be considered during the revision process.

Agenda Items

The Village Board closed the evening by:
- Adopting a proposed local law concerning wireless telecommunications facilities.
- Accepting Marron and White’s gift of a scoreboard and safety netting for Supply Field.
- Announcing the appointment of Anne Moretti to the Council on People with Disabilities.
- Authorizing the execution of a memorandum of agreement with Scarsdale Union Free School District and Scarsdale-Edgemont Family Counseling Services for the 2023-24 Youth Services Project.