Tuesday, Oct 22nd

malledCaitlin Kelly, the author of "Malled, My Unintentional Career in Retail" will appear at the Scarsdale Library on Tuesday, October 23rd at 7:30pm. Kelly’s new book was recently published in paperback and will also be published in China in March 2013. It's the story of the author’s two- plus years working for The North Face as a sales associate, and Kelly will be discussing the intimate, thorough and candid details of what it’s really like to work for $7 to 10/hour. "Malled" explains the global industry that Kelly was involved with in vivid and awe-inspiring detail – including accounts of factory workers committing suicide in China and Americans struggling to support large families, usually on part-time poverty-level wages with no benefits.

Caitlin Kelly’s work has appeared in The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, The Washington Post, Seventeen, Town & Country, Glamour, New York, and Sports Illustrated, among others. Visit www.caitlinkelly.com for more information about the author, and www.scarsdalelibrary.org for additional on the autumn 2012 speaker series.

The Scarsdale Public Library is located at 54 Olmsted Road, Scarsdale, NY, 10583. Phone: (914) 722- 1300. Website: www.scarsdalelibrary.org .

elmroadblockpartyResidents of Elm Road in Greenacres gathered for their annual block party on September 22, 2012. The block is a special place where neighbors are friendly and kids play together in the street – welcoming new families who move in. This was their seventh party and here is everyone, gathered around their traffic island that neighbors planted with beautiful shrubs and perennials a few years ago. They continue to tend to it and are proud of their block and their garden.

Elm Road Kids on Planting Day




edgemonthighCall for School Board Nominating Committee members from Northern Greenville, Southern Greenville and Central Park Avenue Civic Associations: The Edgemont Community Council ("ECC") is seeking Edgemont residents who reside in areas covered by the Northern Greenville, Southern Greenville and Central Park Avenue civic associations to serve as members of the School Board Nominating Committee ("SBNC") for the 2012-13 term. The ECC sponsors the SBNC, members of which interview and recommend residents for the annual election to the Board of Education. The SBNC consists of two voting members as well as up to two alternate members from each of Edgemont¹s eight civic associations and one member from the high school student body.

This year, the Northern Greenville, Southern Greenville and Central Park Avenue civic associations have not elected SBNC members. The ECC believes, however, that having SBNC members from each of the civic associations is important, so that the views of a broad cross-section of Edgemont residents are included in the consideration of potential School Board candidates. Accordingly and pursuant to its by-laws, the ECC may select members to serve a one-year term on the SBNC from areas covered by civic associations that have not elected members.

If you are resident in an area covered by one of these three civic associations (please see the back inside cover of the blue book for the civic association boundaries) and are interested or know of someone who would be interested in serving on the SBNC, please contact Geoff Loftus at geoff.ecc@gmail.com. The strength of the nominating process depends on our community¹s willingness to invest the time and effort to serve on the SBNC, and we encourage all residents to consider such service.

highschoolgirlsWouldn’t it be great to be a senior in high school again? Let me clarify. Wouldn’t it be great to be a senior at Scarsdale High School? It was the Sunday morning before school began when I was reminded how fantastic it was to be that age. I went to Lange’s Deli to get a late breakfast for my boys and an ice-coffee for myself. While I waited, I noticed a group of girls who I guessed to be seniors. I guessed right.

They were adorable in all their youthful glory, relaxed combination of pj’s and comfy-wear clothing, with hazelnut French vanilla ice-coffees all around. (Like myself, I later found out that Lange’s was a daily haunt for them.)

These girls had that “I’m getting together with my friends for a morning re-group” look. I started wondering what they were excited about, what it was like to be a senior now, what movies they felt defined their generation, and what kind of music they liked. I was feeling very out of touch with this teenage generation.

So, I had to strike up a conversation and find out the answers to some of my now burning questions.

“Excuse me, but are guys Seniors?” I asked, already intuitively knowing the answer.

Six long thick beautiful heads of hair looked up and nodded enthusiastically. I was really envious of that hair.

I continued with, “Are you psyched for this school year?”

There were a good number of no’s, and then after a side-bar conversation, Senior, and Scarsdale Girls Varsity Basketball Co-Captain, Nicole Zucker offered, “Well we’re not excited for school, but it’s fun to be in school.”

Celina Ticoll-Ramirez added, “We get to do a lot of fun things this year.”

“Like what?”

They all answered together, excitedly telling me, “There’s chalking, Homecoming, Halloween…because only the seniors are allowed to dress-up, Bonfire, Senior BBQ, and Senior name changes on Facebook.”

Huh, on that last one. “Wait, tell me about this Facebook name change thing? What is that?” I was sincerely perplexed.

Senior Stephanie Peltz explained, “Seniors across the country started it a couple of years ago, because colleges began looking up kids on Facebook after receiving their applications. So, we change our real names to funny new ones, that way colleges can’t find us on Facebook. It’s a tradition now.” Hmm. A right of this generation’s social media passage, if you will.

I have to tell you about one “fun” name that I thought was genius. This kid changed his name to “Benefits” so whenever he “adds” a friend, Facebook tells that person, “You are now friends with Benefits.” I’m still chuckling over that one. Kids.

Honestly, though, I think it’s tougher to be a kid today than it was when I grew up. There was no internet in my day. I used a word processer and that wasn’t until I was a Senior. Before that, it was the handwritten word or the good ole’ typewriter.

And, forget about cell phones. I remember when it cost a dime to use the payphone. And, that’s exactly highschoolsneakershow I summoned my parents to pick me up, before I could drive. My kids think a payphone is a piece of antiquity. Oh G-d. I sound like my Mother.

At least my generation, Generation X, had the solemnity of privacy and anonymity to a large extent. We also had a certain sense of freedom that allowed us a path to independent self-discovery.

There was also acid wash, big hair, parachute pants, Gear Bags (mine was bubble-gum pink and I wish I still had it), Fiorucci t-shirts and black rubber bracelets, and lots of blue eyeliner. Actually, it could be a toss-up when it was easier to grow-up, then or now. Maybe that freer path to independent self-discovery wasn’t so great when you look back at all our fashion don’ts.

Anyway. I really wanted to know what this generation was called. So, I asked, “What is your generation called? My parents are Baby Boomers, and my husband and I are Gen X, so what are you?”

Those gorgeous wrinkle-free faces stared back at me, deep in thought. I had stumped them. “I have no idea what we’re called,” one said. Then I heard, “I wrote a paper on the Baby Boomers.” Have I mentioned how old I felt? Well, I felt old.

(You’ll be happy to know that I’ve done some research and I believe these seniors fall into what is called Generation Y. My kids who are now 9 and 6 are Generation Z.)

I still wasn’t getting a firm handle on those defining characteristics that make up this “generation.” Therefore, I pressed on, and inquired, “What kind of movies do you guys watch? Or more pointedly, what movie do you think defines your generation.”

Shelby Zucker, Senior and fellow Scarsdale Girl’s Varsity Basketball Co-Captain with her twin sister Nicole, informed me, “We don’t really watch movies. We sort of wait until they come on pay-per-view. We really just go to each other’s houses and hang-out.”

This was unacceptable to me. I am of the John Hughes teenage angst film era and was simply unable to fathom this level of pop-culture detachment.

Incredulous, I said, “What do you mean you don’t really watch movies? There has to be one film that you feel represents your generation? I mean, for me, it was The Breakfast Club, Pretty in Pink, Ferris Bueller’s Day Off, Weird Science, Vision Quest, Can’t Buy Me Love, Risky Business, Sixteen Candles…I mean I named my kid Jake after Jake in Sixteen Candles for G-d’s sake.”

“You did?” Shelby asked, more than a little shocked.

“Well, no…I mean, yes. Kind of…that’s not the point. Give me a film.”

There was a little conferring amongst the girls, and then a simultaneous, “Mean Girls.”

Really? I thought that movie was just representative of the female population as a whole. But, according to my Senior Girls, “Mean Girls is awesome and just so quotable. We quote it all the time.”

Okay. I got my movie for Generation Y.

We talked a little bit about boys. I discovered that a lot of the Senior Girls end up dating younger guys. I encouraged that. I simply told them, “Younger is better. They’ll revere you. And, being a cougar is hot now.”

I’m pretty sure they agreed with me.

We talked colleges too. They told me Michigan, Cornell, Washington University, Vanderbilt, Syracuse, Wisconsin, Tulane, Penn, and Lehigh were some of the most popular school choices for our Scarsdale Seniors today.

And, we talked music. I wanted to know what these kids were listening to now. Apparently, their musical tastes range from techno and hip-hop to pop and alternative rock. Senior Megan Katz added, “I listen to the old rock bands too. You know, like U2.”

I almost fainted. My beloved U2, my gorgeous Bono and brilliant The Edge, are now classified as an “old rock band.” Oy. Along with turning 40, my musical tastes have apparently aged as well.

Electric Zoo Festival: Photo credit Shelby Zucker
My Senior Girls may not do movies, but they definitely do concerts, music festivals to be more specific. Their Labor Day Weekend kicked off with The Electric Zoo, a three-day techno music festival on Randall’s Island.


The girls still sported some leftover sparkles, that morning at Lange’s, which made me smile. I’m a big fan of make-up sparkle.

Looking at the girls, I stated, “I guess it’s sort of like your Woodstock or Lollapalooza or Lilith Fair.”

Megan enthusiastically agreed, “That’s exactly what my Mom said.”

Well, this Mom needed to get going. I had to get my bagels, chocolate croissants and cherry turnovers home to my boys before they started hitting my M&M stash.

I could have hung out with my Senior Girls all day. Hey, if I’m lucky, maybe they’ll let this John Hughes fan, fluorescent colored t-shirt wearing, and U2 listening old chick hang with them again soon. A girl can hope.

These girls were fun, mature, articulate, smart and vivacious. They represent Generation Y beautifully. I know they will definitely “Go out with a 13ang!” So, to Scarsdale’s Class of 2013; have an amazing Senior year, filled with only the happiest of memories that will last you a lifetime.

(Pictured at top) Seniors; Richa Shah, Andrea Mosk, Rachel Spiro (Girls Varsity Basketball Co-Captain), Megan Katz, Shelby Zucker (Girls Varsity Basketball Co-Captain), Cilena Ticoll-Ramirez, Julie Parisi (Varsity Ski Team Co-Captain), Stephanie Peltz, and Nicole Zucker (Girls Varsity Basketball Co-Captain).

Contributor Sharon Lippmann, writes about her "so called suburban life" as a proud resident of Scarsdale, NY. She is a writer, blogger, mom, wife, daughter, sister, friend and one sassy chick. She loves exploring the interesting, strange, perplexing, vexing, ridiculous and funny that life offers up frequently. Enjoying more of what she has to say about nothing, and, well, everything at mydailypill.com



pocketknifeThe Eastchester Police have reported that a Scarsdale woman was robbed at knifepoint at 2 am on August 23 when she was walking from the Scarsdale Train Station to her apartment on Garth Road.

The 55 year-old woman exited the rear doors of a train at 2 am on 8/23 in Scarsdale and saw the man who later robbed her exit the front of the train. She walked home through Freightway Garage with a friend and then parted ways. As she continued to walk south on Garth Road the perpetrator walked past her and then turned around and asked her for a dollar. When she said she didn’t have a dollar, he opened up a chrome pocketknife and demanded her bag. At that point, the woman tried to run, but he grabbed her bag off her left shoulder and knocked her to the ground. He ran and she called the police saying that her bag, a copy of her passport, credit cards and $235 were taken.

The victim has a heart condition and was experiencing abdominal and chest pain so she was taken to White Plains Hospital. Police followed her to the hospital where she described her assailant as a young white male wearing black jeans, a sleeveless black tank top and a black baseball cap.

The matter is currently under investigation.

Greenburgh Police are reporting a surge in the use of PCP commonly known as angel dust. According to Chief Jospeh DeCarlo, police are finding marijuana dipped in PCP laced embalming fluid. In addition they are seeing cigarettes or tea leaves soaked in PCP.

When the marijuana or cigarette laced with PCP is smoked, it quickly causes hallucinations, panic, and fear and can induce a psychotic maryjanestate with symptoms that resemble schizophrenia. Some users report feelings of invulnerability and exaggerated strength. PCP users may become severely disoriented, violent or suicidal.

Although some buyers realize they are purchasing marijuana laced with PCP, police believe that some do not know the marijuana they are buying is “Wet” (laced with PCP.

DeCarlo says that this year numerous officers were injured in confrontations with people under the influence of this drug. Though none were seriously injured, he is trying to head off any future problems.

If you are aware of any drug dealing in your neighborhood police ask that you call the police force’s non-emergency number 682-5300. Although identity of a caller adds credibility to a complaint, you may elect to remain anonymous, as they do not have caller ID on this number.