Friday, Jul 26th

bobcatwildLast week's story about the bobcat sighting on was picked up by Fox News and ABC news. Unfortunately neither network gave credit to the original source ... but we thought you would enjoy watching the video. Click here to see the story on Fox Five and click here to see the story on ABC news .






bobcatlsmallFirst it was coyotes, then burglars … now Scarsdale residents have another intruder in the area: A Greenacres mom who lives on the border of Scarsdale and White Plains reported two sightings of a bobcat in her yard this week. Here is a first-hand account of the incidents:

"The bobcat was spotted by two separate caregivers on Monday and Tuesday, (4/9 and 4/10) who both gave exact descriptions - small head with cat face and large body with long striped tail closer to the size of a dog and much, much larger than a house cat. It was first spotted on Monday at 2pm in my backyard, which is on the Scarsdale/ White Plains border in Greenacres. My 2 young kids were on the swing set and the cat was 15-20 feet away walking slowly then continued walking away towards Scarsdale. On Tuesday the cat was sighted at 3:30pm while the kids were again in the yard. My 2 year old kept yelling "cat, cat" until my mom realized she was pointing to the bobcat on my lawn, again only about 15 feet away and creeping slowly. I called the White Plains police first (border house) and they denied any similar reports and seemed completely uninterested in taking a report so I didn't pursue it with Scarsdale.”

The resident did not get a photo, but here is one picked up from the web: bobcatwild

The Westmoreland Sanctuary in Bedford has been tracking bobcats in Westchester for six years and has reported over 50 sightings. Nearly half were recorded in 2011 and they believe that the population is growing.

According to their site, “The average size of a bobcat is generally described to be twice that of a normal house cat. Average weight of individuals is 20 and 26 pounds for females and males, respectively. The fur is dense, short, and spotted, generally appearing reddish in the summer and grayish in the winter. They are usually solitary with exceptions during the breeding season and when females are rearing young.”

Are they dangerous? Bobcats are also discussed in local blog All About Armonk , where Adam Zorn of the Westmoreland Sanctuary, says,“Should the public know that there are bobcats in the area? Yes. Should the public be concerned about the well-being of pets and children? Not really. Their secretive and shy nature creates a highly improbable scenario in which anyone may come into direct contact with one of these animals. In very rare instances, wildlife (bobcats included) may pose a threat to humans when cornered, injured, or ill. These anomalies shouldn't be dismissed but also should not be cause for an unnecessary level of concern.”



brp3The Junior League of Central Westchester (JLCW) will participate in “Pitch In for Parks,” in coordination with the Bronx River Parkway Reservation Conservancy (BRPRC), to clean up the Bronx River parkland on Sunday, April 15th from 10am to 3pm.

The Reservation is a significant natural feature along its 12.5 miles from the Bronx border to Kensico Dam. It provides valuable green space passing through densely populated urban areas like Yonkers, Mount Vernon and White Plains, as well as the hamlets, villages and towns of Bronxville, Tuckahoe, Crestwood, Eastchester, Scarsdale and Hartsdale.

“Pitch In for Parks” is the largest single-day volunteer activity of the year for Westchester County Parks. The JLCW’s participation is being coordinated by the “Let’s Save the Earth” committee, and will be staffed by JLCW members, their families, and friends. The JLCW welcomes any additional help from the community. The JLCW is planning on vine cutting and trash pickup. Trash bags, disposable gloves, and tools for vine cutting will be provided, but we recommend bringing your own heavy-duty garden gloves. Also please remember to wear suitable clothing, and bring some water bottles, especially for your children.

Help the Bronx River Parkway Reservation Conservancy care for our County's first park, and the location of the nation’s first public parkway designed explicitly for automobile use. Volunteers are asked to meet at the location, on the pathway just north of the Harney Road entrance, on the day of the event between 10am and 3pm. Nearby parking is available on Garth Road.

Please call 914.723.6130 or email, if you have questions.



trustees4-2-12_copyIf you were out of town or out of commission this week, here’s what happened in Scarsdale: Recently elected Scarsdale Trustees were sworn in at Village Hall on Monday April 2. Kay Eisenman and Jon Mark will serve their second two-year terms on the Board, while David Lee will join the Board for his first term. Justice John Galloway (not shown) was also sworn in for another 4 years of service to Scarsdale. (photo credit: B.K. Munguia)

At the Heathcote Five Corners construction continues next to Balduccis, where SuperSol will move into an 11,000 square foot superstore with two levels of underground parking. Of more interest are events at Massa across the street.  Al Pirro, the former husband of former Westchester County District Attorney Jeanine Pirro now denies punching a waiter in a drunken brawl at the restaurant on the weekend of March 26. The fight began over a missing cellphone. Though the management of Massa had no comment for massaspring2012Scarsdale10583 on the fight, we hear the food is delicious and you should pay them a visit.

Next door, in the Massa parking lot, developer Frederick Fish continues to move forward with a plan to build luxury condominiums. The Village agreed to sell Fish a small strip of land that is now the driveway to the parking lot to incorporate into the project, provided that he did not request any variances to build the project. However, a new survey of the property revealed unexpected site conditions and Fish is now asking for parking and setback variances. The Heathcote Five Corners Coalition, accused the developer of “bait and switch” tactics and called for the Board to deny the sale of the village land to the developer now that the conditions of the term sheet have not been met.

heathcotemanor4-12And further down Weaver Street, progress is oh-so-slow on the construction of Heathcote Manor. In 2011, trees were cleared and a long concrete retaining wall went up. After calls from residents, the wall was faced with stone and some landscaping was done. Recently three stone columns appeared at the entrance. However, to date there are no signs of the nine home development that is slated for the property. Planning for the development has been in the works for 20 years. Developer Ron Paisner of Pais Built Homes promises an update to Scarsdale10583 in two weeks.

At the high school, we spotted sisters Talia, age 4 and Gabriella, age 7, enjoying some sunshine and selling lemonade at the high school track on Wednesday April 4th during a high school lacrosse game. Adorable.lemonade4-3_copy

And last, Scarsdale is awash in magnolias, cherry blossoms, forsythia and daffodils. See this beautiful display.



greenacres100This year is Greenacres 100th Anniversary, and to celebrate, the Greenacres Neighborhood Association is planning a series of Centennial celebrations. All Greenacres residents – past and present, are welcome to participate in these events – so mark your calendars to join the fun.

Friday, April 27, 2012 - Tree Planting at the Greenacres Elementary School: Commemorate Arbor Day as The Greenacres Neighborhood Association continues to support and beautify our community with a tree planting.

Tree Planting to Celebrate the New Public Safety Building: (Spring date to be announced) Greenacres beautification continues with the planting of a tree to celebrate the opening of the new Public Safety Building.

Saturday, June 2, 2012 - Centennial Gala at the Scarsdale Golf Club: Come celebrate the 100th Anniversary with dinner, dancing and libations. Space is limited so RSVP as soon as possible. Be on the lookout for your invitation!

July 4th Celebration and Time Capsule at the Greenacres Elementary School: Bring the entire family for a good old time celebration with fun and games for all! Enjoy watermelon, bagels, coffee and lemonade, and cool off at a thrilling water display by the Fire Department. The day will be highlighted by the commemoration of a Time Capsule.

Tour of Greenacres Historical Homes: (Fall- date to be announced) A rare opportunity to view some of Scarsdale’s most beautiful homes and to learn a bit of neighborhood history as well.

Please check the website for updates and information.