Thursday, Mar 20th

Looking Back: The Top Articles of 2022

2022StoriesWhat were the most read articles of 2022 on Scarsdale10583? We took a look back to see which articles received the highest number of clicks and the exercise took us down memory lane, highlighting the unusual events that occurred this past year.

On January 24, 2022 the Board of Education and the community were surprised by an announcement from Scarsdale Schools Superintendent Dr. Thomas Hagerman that he would be leaving the district in June just months after he had negotiated for a new five year contract. The next day, The Latin School in Chicago announced that Dr. Hagerman had accepted the position of Head of School.

Then, at the end of March, the Scarsdale Board of Education called a special meeting in which they revealed ThomasHagermanthat the school district had failed to pay the correct amount of payroll taxes in 2020 and 2021, resulting in penalties and interest totaling $1,722,473. And just a few days later, on April 4, the Board of Education delivered even more upsetting news. The IRS had issued a $1.3 mm tax lien against the district.

Did Dr. Hagerman know about the tax error when he resigned? We may never know.

As the spring wore on, the story continued to unfold. On April 25, The Board hired an attorney to conduct an investigation of the payroll tax issue and then on May 6, 2022, Dr. Hagerman resigning for a second time in May, saying “the IRS issue has become a major distraction.”

Another article that garnered high interest from readers was the news published on 6-22, that the Board of Education voted to sanction the School District Treasurer and the Assistant Superintendent for Business for the payroll tax problem.

newvillagecenterOther than the school district woes, police and crime news were among the most popular articles with readers. In fact, the most read articles of the year reported that a young man was arrested for possession of semi-automatic weapons in Greenacres, another about three young men found passed out in a car due to overdoses and another involving a high school senior who jumped the curb and drove his car into a Fox Meadow Road home.

Other popular articles involved schools and students including the photo gallery from the 2022 Prom, photos of the senior class Halloween breakfast, coverage of the Scarsdale High School Graduation, a piece about the elimination of Colonial Day Fairs at the elementary schools and another debating the merits of the AT vs. AP program.

Still more pieces popular with readers involved restaurants. Readers were intrigued to learn last March that a steak house would open in oldpoolplace of Zachys, but we’re still waiting to eat there. News that the Metro Diner on Scarsdale Avenue would close also received big clicks.

Readers were passionate about consultants plans to reimagine Scarsdale Village, opinionated about renovation plans for the Scarsdale Pool Complex, happy to see that Saks Off Fifth was opening in Eastchester and drawn by the debate over an evangelist’s visit to the Scarsdale Library.

Without a doubt, it was a very interesting year for a Village filled with interesting people.

Keep on reading and send your news to [email protected] in 2023.

Thank you!